
This is a fanlisting for the band Placebo, formed in 1994 by Brian Molko and Stefan Olsdal. Their most popular songs include "Nancy Boy", "Without You I'm Nothing", "Every You Every Me", "Taste in Men" as well as "Song to Say Goodbye".
In 2016, the band celebrates their 20th anniversary. If you their music, why don't you join the fanlisting? If you have a website, go grab a button and add it to your site.


A fanlisting is, quite simply, an online list of fans of a subject, such as a TV show, actor, or musician, that is created by an individual and open for fans from around the world to join. There are no costs, and the only requirements to join a fanlisting are your name, e-mail and country. Fanlistings are just a place where you can sign up with other fans. TheFanlistings.org is the original (but not official) web directory for fanlistings, dedicated to uniting the fans.

Quick info

The Placebo fanlisting is run by Evie.

There are currently
 11 members.

The fanlisting was last updated on
January 31st, 2025.