
Below you can find a list of fanlistings which I would love to run. Most are currently taken and I truly believe their owners are doing a fantastic job.

Jason Isaacs

Listed under 'Actors'.
Words cannot express my love for Jason Isaacs and his talent. I have been a dedicated fan since 1998.


Listed under 'Calendar Events'.
Halloween is my favourite part of the year, and October 31st the most important day. I usually start making plans for Halloween in June.


Listed under 'Calendar Events (Months)'.
My birth month and my favourite month of the year.

Sheriff of Nottingham

Listed under 'Characters: Book/Movie'.
To me, the best movie villain of all time, brilliantly portrayed by the one and only Alan Rickman.

William Tavington

Listed under 'Characters: Book/Movie'.
One of the best movie villains ever. Jason Isaacs' portrayal is a joy to watch - which is why I have seen "The Patriot" more times than I can count.

Shanghai Knights

Listed under 'Movies'.
I love Jackie Chan and this movie never fails to cheer me up and make me laugh.

Sleepy Hollow

Listed under 'Movies'.
A Tim Burton masterpiece with a brilliant cast - and lots of blood. I love everything about this movie. I saw it at the cinema four times and it was the first DVD I ever bought.


Listed under 'Nature'.
The most beautiful season and my favourite: it is all I am waiting for every year.

Granted wishes

Tilda Swinton (Actresses); Jackie Chan (Actors); Benedicht Cumberbatch (Actors); Luke Skywalker (Characters: Book/Movie); Freddie Mercury (Musicians: Male); Museums (Places: General); Due South (TV Shows)